Flexibility & Speedy

A wealth of property
information and speedy response
for a variety of corporate housing work

Affiliated with approximately 700 affiliated real estate firms nationwide,
Tokyu Corporate Housing Management offers speedy
and flexible response even during the peak transfer season.



We provide a system of total support in
cost and issues for your corporate housing

Tokyu Corporate Housing Management’s corporate housing proxy business can greatly reduce troublesome corporate housing work.
Instead of merely outsourcing corporate housing, one of our strengths is customizing our response toyour corporation’s unique housing problems.


    Greatly reduce
    your work volume

    We can reduce the volume of work your manager has to handle by approximately 80%.


    Property information

    With over 20 years’ experience and accomplishments, we can introduce properties from a wealth of affiliated real estate companies.


    Contribute to rapid digital transformation

    Online application system solves the problems of “time,” “distance,” and “cost” when your employee transfers

Our corporate housing proxy service

In addition, we offer other services to meet the needs of your corporation.

Our strengths

A comprehensive management system
only we can deliver

Making full use of Tokyu Real Estate Holding Group’s combined strength (security) and knowledge of rental management (accomplishments), we offer total support for your corporate housing work. Because we are the Tokyu Group, you can rest easy using this service. And with a wide variety of optional services, we can address any of our customers’ concerns.

A wealth of

We take pride in handling approximately 85,000 units for corporate housing